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Haringey residents with mental health problems will be offered extra help to find and maintain work, thanks to a new service launched in Haringey today. The Individual Placement and Support (IPS) service, which will be delivered by the charity Twining Enterprise has been commissioned by Haringey Council in Partnership with the Haringey Clinical Commissioning Group and the Department for Work and Pensions.

The importance of staying cool and keeping well in hot weather cannot be over-estimated, as older people can be particularly susceptible to heat-related illness. Heat stroke is a life-threatening condition and can develop if heat exhaustion is left untreated. All of us, neighbours, family and friends should provide whatever support we can for older people, particularly those living alone.

Research being presented today at the Royal College of Psychiatrists’ International Conference, shows that although individuals with a serious mental illness such as schizophrenia, major depression or bipolar disorder, are more than twice as likely to be violent during their lifetime than individuals without mental illness, the lifetime prevalence of violence by people with mental illness is only 16%.

A new alliance dedicated to combating the rise of obesity in Haringey has been formed by a wide range of partners including Haringey Council, the local NHS, Homes for Haringey the Tottenham Hotspur Foundation, and local schools. The new partnership - the Haringey Obesity Alliance – sees organisations and individuals from a range of different backgrounds teaming up to help make Haringey a healthier place where fewer people are obese.

Now in second place, behind lung cancer, and with 1 in every 8 men is affected by Prostate Cancer, a Prostate Cancer Awareness session will be taking place at The Sports Hub, in Birmingham, this Friday, June 26, where City & Sandwell NHS Trust Consultant Oncologist, John Parkin, will be a Special Guest Speaker.

Birmingham City Council's new Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care, Cllr Paulette Hamilton,  focusses on the often taboo subject of mental health. "Statistics say that one in four of us will have problems with our mental health at some time in our lives - after 18 months as Birmingham's first ever Mental Health Champion, I'd say that in fact very few of us sail through life untouched by the issue.

As a pioneer, innovator, humanitarian and a leader ahead of his time, Dr. Xu’s commitment to the advancement of science and his leadership in the community leave a legacy that will not be forgotten. As a renowned life scientist, Dr. Xu devoted his life to a selfless pursuit with far reaching benefits to mankind.